Monday, 17 December 2012

Dragon Claws...

After finally deciding how to put my 'piece de la resistance' together I ordered the tyranid parts needed for the spikey elbow bits. A little bit of modelling putty and super glue, a black undercoat, some silver bits and they already look pretty effective. A completed base with grass and rocks makes them ready for the table, should I wish to get them out before they're totally painted.

Sunday, 9 December 2012

More vehicles...

Still not getting around to finish the tactical squad so worked on the dreadnought this month. Base is made from cork board and some model railway gravel stuff, turned out quite well in the end.

Also received a little parcel in the post with some tyranid bits in it, should be able to start on the Dragon Claws assualt squad fairly soon.

Friday, 12 October 2012


The tactical squad is taking a little longer than expected, plus it was boring me to hell doing all the same details over and again, so I started on something a little more interesting last month - the Whirlwind that should take out a few xenos before my troops arrive to clean up.

Check it out in the Vehicles section.

Tuesday, 21 August 2012

First squad ready

Finally got around to completing off the command squad. Took me a little while to muster up the energy to finish off the champion and the other veteran but it's done now and I'm already half way through a tactical squad.

Take a look at the miniatures page for pictures.

Monday, 9 July 2012

Apothecary completed

I found this model (Games Day '98 Apothecary) on ebay uk. After a month of waiting, it finally arrived. Painted over a long weekend and added to the collection.

The other two veterans in the command squad are half completed so next post I will post up the pictures.

Sunday, 17 June 2012

Images added

Nice, first two images in place and a guide to making broken fences as scenery is on the way. You might ask what I am doing up in the middle of the night...well, I am bored out of my wits waiting for a Network team at one of the biggest trading news companies in the world to pull hs finger out and do a friggin' telnet test!!!

Saturday, 16 June 2012

First post

So this is my new blog. I started off a few months ago with an individual blog about a Space Marine army I am putting together. However, I realised I am going to be doing more than just painting a bunch of these guys ...

I started off playing and painting miniatures back in the days when Heroquest was first released from Games Workshop. I was hooked from day 1 and even had the computer game for my Spectrum 128k - even though it took half an hour to load the thing and even longer to play due to the rubbish keyboard controls.

I then got given Space Hulk for a birthday present and even though the Terminator-suited Space Marines that came standard in the box we aweful models, I started playing Warhammer 40k as well.

Although the games were fun, I always enjoyed more the hobby side of it - painting and creating rather than arguing pedantically over some obscure badly-worded rule in the 40k rulebook/codex. That being said I have recently returned to the hobby after a long spell away and started to learn to play again.

The rest of the site will show you my painting skills and some guides of painting and building scenery for mainly 40k landscapes. I have friends that play Flames of War and Infinity and other games so I might try to make some scenery for that as well.

I'm not trying to make a million dollars out of what I do but if anyone is interested in buying any of the items you see on the site then please leave me a message with your contact details and we can arrange something.