Wednesday, 24 July 2013

First commission!

Ok, so I'm not strictly being paid for it, but at least I get to paint a cool mini.
This one has been done for Streem here in São Paulo.

He wanted the Thunderbolt pilot from Forgeworld painted Star Wars Rebel pilot style. Came out pretty well.

I will add a page for imperial forces with more pics soon.

Friday, 28 June 2013

I'm sure I did a post about these already....

Seems as though I've not been doing anything for the last three months but that simply isn't true...three months, three minis. I admit, current pace is not what I would desire but life is demanding and painting minis is not the only thing I do in the world!

Check out the marines section for the latest updates - 2 veterans. I quite like the paint jobs but not so happy with the banners. May have to re-do them at some point but they will do for now.

I also thought a bit of a change as although I do want to complete the marines force, painting one black armoured marine after another can get somewhat tiresome so I tried my hand at the ork warboss from the AOBR boxed set. Not a bad first effort, one more to add to the portfolio....

Sunday, 3 March 2013

Captain completed

Well, time is getting the better of me with a new job and a new member of the family arriving but I finally got around to some painting this month and managed to get the captain completed after months of only have his face done.

That now completes the HQ section for the moment, nice.