Friday, 28 June 2013

I'm sure I did a post about these already....

Seems as though I've not been doing anything for the last three months but that simply isn't true...three months, three minis. I admit, current pace is not what I would desire but life is demanding and painting minis is not the only thing I do in the world!

Check out the marines section for the latest updates - 2 veterans. I quite like the paint jobs but not so happy with the banners. May have to re-do them at some point but they will do for now.

I also thought a bit of a change as although I do want to complete the marines force, painting one black armoured marine after another can get somewhat tiresome so I tried my hand at the ork warboss from the AOBR boxed set. Not a bad first effort, one more to add to the portfolio....

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